5 million sq.m future city on the water formed from the interplay between built form and water.
North Manama City is a future city on the water formed from the interplay and intimacy of built form and the water. The masterplan vision consists of approximately 5 million square meters of built-up area that includes all the foreseeable programmatic requirements of a new city. In addition to residential offerings of various sizes and typologies, there will also be a convention center, a commercial center, a yachting basin with Royal Yacht Club, a series of boutique and brand name hotel operators, three mosques, municipal buildings, a sports facility, a public events floating platform and other features. The central waterscape will feature panoramic F3 power boating and yachting events to rival the best in the world. Pneumatic infrastructure will allow for large fountain and fireworks displays during special events and holidays whereby transforming this central feature into a recognizable national icon. In collaboration with SOM.