GDS Development LLC (GDS) is a New York based real estate development firm with two managing principals, Michael Kirchmann and Alan Rudikoff. GDS acts as the development partner in real estate developments whilst investing side-by-side with like-minded “deeper pocket” investors. In this way, GDS is an incentivized developer, investing anywhere from 10% to 20% of the equity required to complete a development. Alignment of interests is our core mission statement.

GDS has international best-in-class investor partners who invest alongside of GDS in its projects. These are relationships that have been fostered over decades of experience by the managing principals on various platforms both including and excluding GDS, and include Institutional Investors, as well as numerous other family offices and UHNW individual investors.

GDS’ development, design and creative problem solving is driven by the pursuit of quality – a belief that our surroundings directly influence the quality of our lives, whether in the work place, at home or the public spaces in between. It is not just buildings but urban design that affects our well-being. We are concerned with the physical context of a project, sensitive to the culture and climate of their place.

Our combination of Development, Architecture, Interior Design, Marketing Branding, and Asset Management enable our teams to cultivate an evolving, integrated approach to real estate development and easily identify the wider opportunities in adding value to a project. We are also adept at working within external multi-disciplinary teams, encouraging dissemination of information and ideas.

See GDS Development projects here